Majesty in the Upside-down Kingdom


Psalm 93: 1-4

The LORD is king, he is robed in majesty; 
          the LORD is robed, he is girded with strength. 
     He has established the world; it shall never be moved; 
2        your throne is established from of old; 
          you are from everlasting.

3   The floods have lifted up, O LORD, 
          the floods have lifted up their voice; 
          the floods lift up their roaring. 
4   More majestic than the thunders of mighty waters, 
          more majestic than the waves of the sea, 
          majestic on high is the LORD!


Majestic is defined as having or exhibiting sovereign power, dignity, or splendor.


This Psalm this a proclamation of God’s majesty.  We read it in the lectionary this Easter Sunday.  But “majestic” is not the word that I think of when I think of Jesus’ death on the cross.  That type of death was undignified, dirty, violent, and demeaning.  Was that a death fit for a majestic King?  Yet, Pilate wrote on the inscription on the cross, “The King of the Jews.”  


Jesus is our King in the Kingdom of Heaven.  We call Him our Lord.  We dedicate our lives to His service.  We bow our hearts before him in prayer.  The cross shows us that our King reigns in an upside down Kingdom; a Kingdom where the King serves and sacrifices for his people.  Where the last is first and the first is last.  Our King humbles himself to die on the cross and in rising from the dead, He conquered death for humankind.  It makes me think of a King going in to battle to defeat an enemy of the Kingdom, and going in alone.  His death and resurrection give us hope of new life forever more, starting today.  


We live in this Kingdom here on earth as ambassadors, waiting for the fulfillment of the hope we have.  Let us share the good news, as the women at the tomb did.  Our King is alive.  The Kingdom of God is at hand.  It is there for all who would choose to look for it and it is majestic.


Our God and King, may your Kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.  Help us to live like members of your Kingdom and show others your majesty.  Amen.


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