Don't Fall Asleep

Be quiet!  No I'm not mad at you.  I'm actually looking out for you, trying to help.  Lord knows I need to be quiet more.  This isn't about being more ears than mouth - although that is a good idea too!  

It is really hard for us to quiet our minds.  We are so used to the stimulation all around us and nowadays the powerful computers we all carry around, occasionally to make phone calls, makes it even more difficult to stop... and.... just... listen...  I wonder if that moment of silence in church is treasured by some and is torture for others?  I treasure it and wish it was longer.  Probably because I have trouble doing it by myself.

I just read an article that a friend of ours wrote about going through radiation treatment.   Her nurse told her to "lay heavy" in the machine that rotated her around and applied the radiation.  Each of the 30 days she did this became special to her in a strange way.  She was finally able to lay down, forget her to-do list, and be still before Jesus.  In Psalm 46:10, God invites us to "Be still, and know that I am God" (NIV).  Easier said than done. I've experienced this occasionally when traveling.  Flying, especially in the past before we had our many forms of video entertainment, gave you an opportunity to just think and pray and be quiet when you were tired of reading or talking (definitely pre-COVID) to the person next to you.  Something about the drone of the engines and not having anything else to do allows me to just... be... still.  Sure enough, in these moments I start to listen and hear what God has been placing on my heart.

The first step is to be intentional about this quest.  Don't think you can just wing it because it seems "easy".  I mean how hard can it be to just be quiet?  Saying "Maranatha... maranatha... maranatha"  may be the ticket for you.  Somehow you need to stop thinking or even praying to allow yourself to just listen.  When Jesus said "He who has ears, let him hear." Matthew 11:15, he was saying that most of us don't hear despite our ears!  Turn off your phone, go into your closet or kneel at the bed in the other room and be still, lay heavy, and know that he is God.  Oh, and don't fall asleep :)

Adam Zakarian


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