Sing a New Song of a Steadfast God

Scripture: “Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in the assembly of the faithful. Let Israel be glad in its Maker; let children of Zion rejoice in their King.” Psalm 149: 1-2 (NRSV)


Devotional Thought:

In my spare time I crochet using leftover yarn. I even have been known to unravel an old sweater or scarf only to reuse the yarn turning it into a new useful item. A few pieces of new yarn are added to give a new look, but very rarely do I purchase all new yarn for a project. I gain immense joy out of this work resulting in numerous lap-afghans for the VA hospital and gifts for others. 


Weaving the old with a bit of new. Getting as much as possible out of the old while seeing new possibilities. Is this why Jesus quoted the Hebrew scriptures? Is this what Jesus’ life does? He leads us to hold true to the steadfast God of the Old Testament while recognizing the new possibilities through him.  Is this what God calls us to do with God’s story? Is this how we hold on to that steadfast God while passing God onto the next generation? This is why I enjoy my role as Christian educator so much. I am challenged to take the story heard for centuries and look at it with new eyes. Each Easter, each Christmas, and each Sunday school lesson becomes “a new song” as new ears hear the old stories. There always is something new to be learned from rehearing the story. The God who always has been and always will be rejoices in hearing these new songs.


I wonder if we have ever forgotten the steadfast God when trying to create new faith experiences.

I wonder if we have ever held so fast to the old that there was no room for the new song.

I wonder how this Lenten season we sing a new song about our steadfast God.



Dear Lord, 

Help us to hold true to who you are as you hold true to us.

Make us steadfast in our faith in you, as you are steadfast in your love for us.

Guide us today turning the old, old story into a new, new song.



Thoughts for my younger friends after the scripture is read to them:

I wonder if you have ever taken something old and made it into something new.

I wonder how God hears our songs.

I wonder what new song God wants to hear.


By Lynne Pabst, Certified Christian Educator



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