
2 Timothy 4: 3-4

3For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.


Lent is a time of deep reflection.  A time for us to ‘re-center” ourselves on God.  The world can easily draw us in the direction of “It’s all about me”.   In this scripture, Paul is providing a caution that we live in a world that subscribes to “Tell me what I want to hear”.  As you reflect this Lenten Season ask God to move you from a “Tell me what I want to hear” to “Tell me what I need to know” so that you can live a life pleasing to Him and not like the person described by Linda Winchell below:



Just tell me what I want to hear,
not what I really need to know,
Just stroke my ego for me please,
not to fast now take it real slow!

I don't want to hear the truth from you,
even though you say I ought to know,
But I can't handle what the truth has to bring,
So I'd really rather just not know.

Fill me up with all mindless matter of things
that's about all I seem these days to comprehend,
I don't want to hear the truth your words might bring,
On that platform from which you stand!

I have my own set of rules,
I made them up all by myself!
And when I need one to fit the bill,
I go and take one down off my egotistic shelf!

So please tell me what I want to hear,
keep that other stuff to yourself,
But be there when I need you please,
that I might just talk a little more about myself.

By: Linda Winchell

Father God help us to focus on you.  When shiny and comfortable things take our eyes off you, give us focus.  Let us hear what we need to hear to fill that Christ shaped hole in our hearts.  Amen.

Bryan Holmes


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