Embrace Simplicity


Adult discussion of this discipline often involves downsizing and cleaning out the junk accumulated in our lives, giving away items, and purchasing less. Our children have something to teach us about this discipline. The simplest of things interest a young child for hours. What parent has not noticed that the box or the bubble wrap which housed a toy is played with more than the toy itself. Tearing a napkin into pieces is more interesting than the placemat and crayon provided by the restaurant. Why do balls, sticks, sand, water, and tent making with blankets over chairs continue to be play staples while He-Man, Cabbage Patch Dolls, Rubik’s cubes, and other fad toys come and go? Children already appreciate simplicity, finding awe in the simplest of things which allows the use of the curiosity God wired into us. As adults we make things complex, wanting the things to do the work for us rather than using the gifts of curiosity and creativity.

     I wonder if this embracing simplicity might apply to our faith. At times as adults we get too bogged down in doctrine and dogma and look for the perfect translation or commentary and whose interpretation is right or faulty. In doing so we miss out on the awesomeness of God and the simple message given through the gift of Jesus.

                                              God created everything.

                                              Jesus loves me. Jesus loves EVERYONE.

                                              All are bound together by the Holy Spirit.

Now before my colleagues on the Bible Beyond the Basics podcast interject. A simple faith does not mean a faith based on naivete or Biblical illiteracy. If anything, a simple faith, opens one up to the awesomeness of the Biblical story leading to a desire to study more and to ask more questions. Just as that simple stick laying in the grass keeps calling you to play with it in a new way.

    When practicing the practice at home use “I wonder…” and open-ended questions with your children as you discuss the Bible stories read together. This reinforces the simple faith in awe and wonder of God’s greatness.

Dear God,

     As I come to you in simple faith,

     Open my mind to the awesomeness of your grace.

     In Jesus’ Name,



Lynne Pabst


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