Not the End of the Story


Not the End of the Story

Then he handed him over to them to be crucified. So they took Jesus; and carrying the cross by himself, he went out to what is called The Place of the Skull, which in Hebrew is called Golgotha. There they crucified him, and with him two others, one on either side, with Jesus between them.  John 19:16-18

The commercial aspects of Easter include vibrant, colorful celebrations, egg hunts and indulging in the best Easter candies around, while Good Friday is a somber day. Considered one of the most important religious holidays by Christians, Good Friday or sometimes referred to as Holy Friday or Great Friday, commemorates the crucifixion and death of Jesus.

For this reason, Christians all around the world honor Jesus’ sacrifice and death for their sins with celebrations that attempt to mimic his own suffering.  Across the world, there are processionals, reenactments of the crucifixion and special religious services to mark the Friday before Easter. 

One of my most fond memories was the privilege of observing the passion procession in 2007 while on a trip with my family to London.  This procession is held every year and treks from the Methodist Central Hall to the Westminster Abby.  We just so happened to be making our way back from Victoria Station when we came upon a small group of parishioners and priests walking down the cobblestone street.  They were carrying a cross that was at least 20 foot long and 6 feet wide.  I was awestruck by not only the size but the weight of the cross as well.  There were hundreds of onlookers who came to observe this solemn event.  It was stirring, sobering and beautiful all at the same time.

Reenactment is probably the best way for us to commemorate events like this.  Even though we may go through the motions, we as Christians can never know the pain, disappointment or fear that was going through the mind of Jesus as he carried the cross toward Calvary.  Wounded, scourged and exhausted, he made his way toward death.

This Good Friday, I encourage you to reflect on the happenings of that day.   Picture for yourself Jesus walking down that path to Golgotha where He was hung on a cross to die and pay the ultimate price to cover our sins. 

Jesus died on Good Friday, but the story does not stop there.  There is good news ahead.  Life altering, exhilarating and joyful news.  News that brings hope to you and me every day.  Hope that springs eternal found on Easter morning. For everything we need to know as Christians can be found in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ!  Amen! Amen!

Father God, let our remembrance and reenactment allow our hearts and minds to appreciate and commemorate just how awesome your love is.  Amen

Pastor Bryan Holmes


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