Let Israel say: "His love endures forever."

Psalms 118:1-2

God’s love endures our fickleness, persists through our unbelief, remains during our rebellion, and continues unendingly. And he does all that without flinching. God’s love for us continues to exist regardless of our feelings, our response to him, or our circumstances. C.S. Lewis wrote, “Though our feelings come and go, God’s love for us does not.” We can rely on the steadfast love of the Lord. It will never end and there are not many things you can say that about these days.

The psalmist who wrote today’s scripture felt like we needed reminded of that such fact. So, I considered my life, my story — and how God has led, provided, and worked miracles throughout it. With 57 years as a believer, 33 years of wonderful matrimony, two awesome children, and now 3 beautiful grandchildren, this is just part of how my story unfolds,

  • God provided me with loving parents and a Godly home— His love endures forever.
  • He provided me with a beautiful soul mate — His love endures forever.
  • God provided for us when we were first married and money was tight — His love endures forever.
  • He blessed us with two beautiful children — His love endures forever.
  • God gave me strength when my mother was ill — His love endures forever.
  • He offered me comfort when she died — His love endures forever.
  • He gave us strength during the college years — His love endures forever
  • God provided healing when our son was ill — His love endures forever.
  • He blessed us with three beautiful grandchildren — His love endures forever.
  • He provided us with dear friends and a wonderful church family— His love endures forever.
  • He supplies our health and wellbeing — His love endures forever.

…and believe me I could go on, and on and on.  This was not a difficult list to make and as a matter of fact, it was rather cathartic. In all things we should be thankful and acknowledge His everlasting love for us.  

During this Lenten Season, I challenge you to claim the truth of God’s unwavering love for you!  Take out a pen and some paper and write out your personal story of God’s faithfulness to you and end each statement with, “His love endures forever.”  Cling to these truths during your highs and your lows as a constant reminder that nothing can endure longer or stronger than God’s love for you, so give thanks.  

Father God, your love does endure forever!  During the good times and times of trial, you are there offering your unconditional love.  Let us rejoice and give thanks, for you are good!  AMEN

Pastor Bryan Holmes


  1. So important to remember and spend time in this assurance.

  2. Needed this reminder to remember our past and how God has been there through the good and hard times. It's so important.

  3. Bryan, thank you. We are so blessed!


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