The Shadow of the Cross

Jason's last sermon helped explain to us the theory of atonement called Substitutionary atonement.  This understanding of Christ's death reminds us that we are the sinners and the wages of our sin is death.  But Christ paid our price and gives us hope for eternal life.  The following poem by Stephen Lewis reminds me of this.  As you read it, think about the fact that Christ has given us new life for a reason.  We are to be a living sacrifice who acts as his hands and feet.  This world needs Jesus and, though we are sinners, God has deigned to use us.  Let us go on his behalf.  -Laurie Clapper

The Shadow of the Cross


I’m standing in the shadow of the cross.

Reflecting on what I’ve gained and what I’ve lost.

He came to earth to forgive.

He suffered and died so I could live.

I wish there was another way,

So that Christ could live on earth today.

Think of all that he could do,

If he were here to walk with me and you.


Heal the sick and feed the poor

If he could walk right through that door

The dumb would speak, the blind would see

If he were here with you and me.


As I reflect on his sacrifice,

How he gave his life and paid the price,

I hang my head in bitter shame

That he had to go and take my blame.


Christ lives on in you and me.

There is work to be done if we look and only see.

This old world still has a chance,

If we all take part and join the dance


Open you ears and hear his call ,

For he calls to one and all.

He gives his life to all who believe.  

He asks us all not to grieve.


He has risen from the grave.,

For he has come to save.

Let his spirit take the lead.  

Throw away your cares and put away your greed.


By Stephen Lewis


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