Mesmerizing God

Psalm 27:1 - KJV - Bible verse of the day - 

Psalm 27

1   The LORD is my light and my salvation;
          whom shall I fear?
     The LORD is the stronghold of my life;
          of whom shall I be afraid?

2   When evildoers assail me
          to devour my flesh —
     my adversaries and foes 5
          they shall stumble and fall.

3   Though an army encamp against me,
          my heart shall not fear;
     though war rise up against me,
          yet I will be confident.

4   One thing I asked of the LORD,
          that will I seek after:
     to live in the house of the LORD
          all the days of my life,
     to behold the beauty of the LORD,
          and to inquire in his temple.

5   For he will hide me in his shelter
          in the day of trouble;
     he will conceal me under the cover of his tent;
          he will set me high on a rock.

6   Now my head is lifted up
          above my enemies all around me,
     and I will offer in his tent
          sacrifices with shouts of joy;
     I will sing and make melody to the LORD.

7   Hear, O LORD, when I cry aloud,
          be gracious to me and answer me!
8   “Come,” my heart says, “seek his face!”
          Your face, LORD, do I seek.
9        Do not hide your face from me.

     Do not turn your servant away in anger,
          you who have been my help.
     Do not cast me off, do not forsake me,
          O God of my salvation!
10   If my father and mother forsake me,
          the LORD will take me up.

11  Teach me your way, O LORD,
          and lead me on a level path
          because of my enemies.
12  Do not give me up to the will of my adversaries,
          for false witnesses have risen against me,
          and they are breathing out violence.

13  I believe that I shall see the goodness of the LORD
          in the land of the living.
14   Wait for the LORD;
          be strong, and let your heart take courage;
          wait for the LORD!

Wednesday March 25th Lenten Devotional


The author of this psalm writes of troubled times, much like this last year we have been through.  He speaks of an army preparing to battle him.  So often much of our own lives feel similar to a battle.  Whether it is the stress of work, family life, raising children, bills, caring for sick family members, or our own personal health problems – the stresses of life can be overwhelming.  And yet the psalmist reminds us that the Lord is our safeguard at all times.  Even if those closest to us, our family, reject us, the psalmist remains confident in his safety with God.  


The psalmist asks just one thing of God – to be allowed into His presence.  In those days this involved going to the Temple.  Jesus has opened that door wide so that we can experience God’s presence through the Holy Spirit every day.  Through reading the Bible, worshipping alone and corporately, meditation, and fellowship we have so many opportunities (even now in the midst of a pandemic) to spend time in God’s presence.  


I’d encourage you to spend a little time memorizing part (or all) of this psalm.  Recite it to yourself in the morning when you’re making your cup of coffee, or when you’re driving into work (or driving the kids to school), or when you’re waiting for a meeting to begin.  Use it at times when you can find your anxiety level rising – and remind yourself that you are safely sheltered under God’s wing, today and always.    


PS – Take some time to listen to a musical version of today’s reading ( ).  Remember psalms were traditionally sung or recited.   


Amanda Leicht


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