Growing up, I spent a lot of time with my grandparents; one of my favorite things to do at their house was to pore over their collection of books and magazines. I was particularly fascinated by a book from New Tribes Mission by Elizabeth Elliott – “The Savage, My Kinsman”. Elizabeth and her husband Jim, along with four other couples, were missionaries to the Auca Indians in remote Ecuador; they were learning and recording the language, creating a translation of the Bible, and attempting to reach the Indians with the story of Christ.

In 1956, Jim Elliott and four other men were speared to death while on a plane trip to make contact with the Auca tribe. The Elliott’s daughter Valerie was only 10 months old.

The stark photos in the book captivated me: the raw language of the title, the Aucas’ scanty (none) clothing, piercings, tattoos and large nose, lip, and ear plugs, the horrific two-page photo of where the murder occurred…these things highlighted a terribly tragic story.

But here’s the remarkable “rest of the story”: when Valerie was three years old, she and her mother returned to Ecuador to live with the Aucas to continue learning their language. Valerie grew up being nurtured and cuddled and fed by, and playing with the children of, the very people who had murdered her father! The fierce Mama Bear part of me can’t  even imagine what it took for Elizabeth Elliott to do this –  but I know that she was living the Lord’s Prayer in ways that few of us are ever asked, or would be able, to do. Forgive our debts AS WE FORGIVE OUR DEBTORS…

I often wonder when we recite the Lord’s Prayer – do we do it quickly and somewhat mindlessly, do we have any idea what we’re really saying? And I’ve always loved to hear it sung because there’s more time to contemplate the phrases.

When you say or sing or hear the Lord’s Prayer (our hymnal on page 464)…ask yourself what each phrase means for your day, for your life.

·         Can I be honestly be satisfied and feel safe with bread for just today, or do I need to make sure I’m stockpiled  for tomorrow ?

·         Can I forgive the person who did something unspeakable to me, or do I need to hang onto indignation?

·         Can I submit to God’s will and design for my life, or do I need to decide what’s going to happen?

Dear Heavenly Father: thank you for the instruction Jesus gave us in how to pray.Grant me a deeper understanding of how to approach your presence, the grace and willingness to submit to your instructions and to live within your design.  Amen

Joy Christian




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