We Deny

He was in the Garden afraid, asking for any other way.  

He cried, he wept as he spoke to God that day.

He asked his disciple stay awake and pray.

They were sound asleep unable to support him that day.

For a few silver coins he was betrayed with a kiss and an embrace.

I wonder what was the look he had upon his face.

As the soldiers led him away, peter tried to resist.

Jesus had told them to turn the other cheek and not fight with a closed fist.

Do you know him?  Peter asked.  He denied knowing Jesus Christ.

Peter was afraid that he too may have to give up his life.

Two more times he was asked, and each time he denied.  

Ashamed when he heard the cock crow, he bowed his head and cried.

Jesus calls each of us to be vigilant and pray.

We make excuses and are forgetful to bow and give thanks throughout the day.

Attracted by wealth we take shortcuts to make some extra coin.

Knowing that with each shortcut it's the ranks of sinners we join.  

We deny Jesus when we're ashamed to bow our heads in public and pray.

Or when we swear to seem cool when it really isn't our way.

Picture the face of Jesus when you are tempted to do wrong.

The look of disappointment when peer pressure entices you to join the throng.

Stephen Lewis.


  1. Thank you Steve - your poetry always resonates with me.


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