Ash Wednesday: Setting our Hearts on Christ

Psalm 51:7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

Welcome to the season of Lent!

Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of the season.  Traditionally Ash Wednesday is the day that we are reminded to "remember our mortality."  What does that mean?  In many ways it's a way for us to reflect on our human nature, our lives, and the fact that we will all one day come fact to face with God.  The ashes help us to reflect upon a Biblical idea: from dust we came, and to dust we shall return.  
Another way we can think of Ash Wednesday is to reflect on the cleansing nature of God's love.  Our relationship with Christ cleanses us our hearts, souls, and minds and frees us to follow God.  
However we reflect upon Ash Wednesday, it's the beginning of an important journey in our spiritual lives. It's a journey that happens, year after year, as we walk the Via Delarosa toward the cross.  It can be difficult to make this journey alone, but that's why God travels with us.  We travel with a steadfast God, and God who stays beside us no matter what.  We can count on God no matter what our circumstance.  
So, as Pastor of Grove, I invite you to journey with us throughout this season.  Join us for our weekly prayer and meditation services via Zoom.  Join us in reading our Lenton Devotional (which you're reading now).  And join us by worshipping with us on Sunday mornings for worship we walk with Christ, experience his death and suffering, and live into his resurrection.  
May Christ be with you on our Journey!


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